Iran, Qom, Golden Mosque, 1984

Iran, Qom, Golden Mosque, 1984 - This is the Golden Mosque of Qom, Iran. It is one of the Holiest Shrines of Shi'ite Islam. Ramon Baro and I parked across the street and walked to its entrance. On the way back we could not get to the car as an anti-American demonstration passed between us and the landrover. The demonstrators yelled in Farsi. It sounded to me like they were saying, "Marg bar America!" (I was later told this meant, "Down with America.")
- Nation: Iran
- ISO Province: Iran, Qom
- TCC Country: Iran
- Place: Qom
- Year: 1984
- File name: Iran,QomGoldenMosque,1984.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3174
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