San Blas, Portrait Of A Girl, 2000

San Blas, Portrait Of A Girl, 2000 - The San Blas Islands are off the east coast of Panama. This young woman was representative of the type of adornments that women uses. Note the nose ring through her septum. Across the bottom part of her breasts, she wears a mola. I have a theory about the molas. I believe that in ancient times, the molas were painted on bare breasts. I long to either find such women living naturally, or to recreate the scene in a photograph.
- Nation: Panama
- ISO Province: Panama, Comarca de San Blas
- TCC Country: San Blas Islands
- Place: San Blas Islands
- Year: 2000
- File name: SanBlas,PortraitOfAGirl,2000.jpg
- Categories: New to Show, Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 3754×4800
- Photo display size: