South Georgia, Gritviken, Jeff Shea Top Of Peak Above Gritviken, 2006

South Georgia, Gritviken, Jeff Shea Top Of Peak Above Gritviken, 2006 - I avoided going on the tour of Gritviken. We had been on the ship for days, and I needed some exercise. The peak towering up above the harbor was the perfect solution. The last few feet required me to crawl up steep rock. It felt exposed, perhaps partially because of the wind. I was very late, as I was supposed to be back at the harbor at 6p and it was already 530p. There was no time to set up the tripod. I held the camera out from my face and took a shot.
- Nation: South Georgia
- ISO Province: Falkland Island Dependencies
- TCC Country: South Georgia
- Place: South Georgia
- Year: 2006
- File name: SouthGeorgia,JeffSheaTopOfPeakAboveGritviken,2006.jpg
- Categories: Mountains, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3200
- Photo display size: