South Georgia, Gritviken, Looking Down From Peak Above Gritviken, 2006

South Georgia, Gritviken, Looking Down From Peak Above Gritviken, 2006 - I had carried my pack to the base of the last buttress on this peak but gave up when I ran into unstable shale. I descended and noticed a gully off to the right. I soon saw the easy way up. I was very late on returning to the ship, but I convinced myself I could get to the top and back down in fifteen minutes. I dropped my pack and tromped up the loose volcanic rock. I crawled through the arch visible in the lower right of the photograph. The last few feet required me to lay down and climb up on my belly, grasping for any hand hold I could find. The wind blew. The harbor and a Zodiac are visible below.
- Nation: South Georgia
- ISO Province: Falkland Island Dependencies
- TCC Country: South Georgia
- Place: South Georgia
- Year: 2006
- File name: SouthGeorgia,LookingDownFromPeakAboveGritviken,2006.jpg
- Categories: Mountains, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3200
- Photo display size: