PNG, Oksapmin Man With Penis Gourd And Boy, 1983

PNG, Oksapmin Man With Penis Gourd And Boy, 1983 - Even as far back as 1983, very few men still wore penis gourds. Most of them wore clothing. Oksapmin was a high mountain place at about 10,000 feet of elevation. In 1983, there was no road there. We walked two days from Lake Kopiago, including traversing the Strickland Gorge, to arrive at Oksapmin.
- Nation: Papua New Guinea
- ISO Province: Papua New Guinea, Sandaun
- TCC Country: Papua New Guinea
- Place: New Guinea Highlands
- Year: 1983
- File name: PNG,OksapminManWithPenisGourdAndBoy,1983.jpg
- Categories: Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 3405×4800
- Photo display size: