Ecuador, Train On Switchbacks Above Station, 1979

Ecuador, Train On Switchbacks Above Station, 1979 - This is a view from the top of the steam train that runs from Guayaquil to Riobamba in Ecuador. At this point, the train was climbing the cliff directly above the station, doing so by means of switchbacks. The train would go forward, then in reverse it would go to the other side of the cliff, and so on until it reached the top!! (110 film resurrected)
- Nation: Ecuador
- ISO Province: Ecuador, Chimborazo
- TCC Country: Ecuador
- Place: Riobamba
- Year: 1979
- File name: Ecuador,TrainOnSwitchbacksAboveStation,1979.jpg
- Categories: Favorites, Hotpix, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3560
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