Tibet, Everest, North Face From Rongbuk Base Camp, Fall, 1998

Tibet, Everest, North Face From Rongbuk Base Camp, Fall, 1998 - This photograph was taken from Rongbuk base camp in the Fall of 1998. It shows the mountain after the monsoons. See other photo on this site in the spring, when the same view is much more rocky. In the center foreground is Changtze. The North Ridge route begins from Rongbuk, winds left around Changtze, then up the North Col. In this scene, the route is hidden from view until it emerges in the left middle of the photograph at about 8000 meters.
- Nation: China
- ISO Province: China, Xizang (Tibet)
- TCC Country: Tibet
- Place: Mount Everest
- Year: 1998
- File name: Tibet,Everest,NFaceFromRongbukBaseCamp,Fall,1998.jpg
- Categories: Favorites, Hotpix, Mountains, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3197
- Photo display size: