This website illuminates my life and adventures. My longing for freedom has led me to over 2600 of the world’s 3978 provinces, to every country on earth and to the summit of the highest peak on each continent (thank heaven for good weather!). In my travels, I learned to respect the intelligence and ingenuity of people of all races and callings both past and present. Come see the world as I see it: as a peaceful place, full of nature and beauty. With the right spirit and intent, we can make our world a virtual Garden of Eden.
DISTINCTIONS: BBC 2017 Travel Pioneer • Journal Articles • Explorer’s Club Flag Expeditions
World Parks Project • Walk Across South America • Jeff Shea Travel Map
Congo Zaire, Colonel Ebeya Steamboat, 1984 - My girlfriend Gabrielle and I traveled by steamboat (the "Colonel Ebeya") down the Zaire (Congo) River in 1984. It was a eight day ride from Kisangani to Kinshasa. As the days went by, barges tied on to the main boat, creating a sort of convoy. It was a very interesting experience! I wrote, "The people sell and eat grubs on the boat. I saw two crocodiles on board as well. One man was skinning a monkey by singeing it?s hair and scraping."
Iran, Posters of Martyrs, 1984 - In 1984, Iran was at war with Iraq. This photograph shows posters of young men who had lost their lives at the war front. They are being hailed as martyrs. This type of display was common throughout parts of Iran at that time.
Peru, Cuzco, Church of the Jesuits, Lord of The Earthquakes Festival, 1979 - In 1979, I traveled overland from New Orleans to Cuzco, with the exception of a flight from Panama to Colombia. Here, in Cuzco, I attended the exciting street festival of Lord of the Earthquakes.
(Photo 110 format from Jeff Shea Travel Archives)
UK, Swansea Prov, Clock
Slovenia, Rogasovci, Sunset Over Village, 2006 - In Slovenia, I made it a point to take at least three photographs in every one of the 193 obcina I visited: one of the land, one of the people and one an artful photo of my own choosing. I arrived in Rogascovci just at dusk, somewhat discouraged that I had missed the light. An incredible red sun appeared as it lowered onto the horizon. Rushing out of the car, I pulled my lens out to 350mm and took several shots. Just then, hundreds of birds sailed across the sky.The moral of this experience for me was to pursue dreams to their end and never to be discouraged to keep trying. (This photo is not touched up at all.)
Chile, Antofagasta Prov, Flamencos Aguas Calientes
Nepal, Girl On Balcony, 1995 - When my Everest expedition met in Nepal in the Spring of 1995, we had a few days to relax in Katmandu. I toured the countryside with my 8x10 camera. This transparency was taken of a girl looking down from her balcony. The colors on the wall in combination with the drying corn husks intrigued me.
Slovenia, Sevnica Prov, House Reflection
Solomon Islands, Tiny Frog, 1983 - I was amazed by how small this frog was. It was the same size, more or less, as a fly.
A herd of domesticated Alpaca, one of the three types of South American camels.