This website illuminates my life and adventures. My longing for freedom has led me to over 2600 of the world’s 3978 provinces, to every country on earth and to the summit of the highest peak on each continent (thank heaven for good weather!). In my travels, I learned to respect the intelligence and ingenuity of people of all races and callings both past and present. Come see the world as I see it: as a peaceful place, full of nature and beauty. With the right spirit and intent, we can make our world a virtual Garden of Eden.
DISTINCTIONS: BBC 2017 Travel Pioneer • Journal Articles • Explorer’s Club Flag Expeditions
World Parks Project • Walk Across South America • Jeff Shea Travel Map
Bangladesh, Narsingdi Prov, Coconuts
Belarus, Minsk Church, 2003 - This beautiful church is near the downtown of Minsk.
Hawaii, Sugar Bear, 1982 - I was a crew member on the Sugar Bear, a 43-foot ketch. Setting out from Point San Pablo Yacht Club in Richmond, California through San Francisco's Golden Gate, we sailed to Hawaii, to Kiribati, then on to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. We continued to Rabaul, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, where I got off and explored Papua New Guinea for six months.
Slovenia, Cerknica Prov, Cement Mixer
Slovenia, Tabor Prov, Vineyard
Myanmar, Shan Prov, Akha Woman
Nepal, Katmandu, Dog In Bag, 1984 - During a return visit to Katmandu after a journey on foot from Jaipur to Agra, I became interested in the woman who's dog is in her bag. I never actually consummated my relationship with the woman, having been invited by Gabrielle on a trek in Tarke Gyang and subsequently falling in love with her.
Macedonia, River, 2006 - A lonely stream in the mountains of Macedonia in the winter.
Slovenia, Turnisce Prov, Bird With Feathered Feet
Slovenia, Solcava Prov, Mountain Landscape