This website illuminates my life and adventures. My longing for freedom has led me to over 2600 of the world’s 3978 provinces, to every country on earth and to the summit of the highest peak on each continent (thank heaven for good weather!). In my travels, I learned to respect the intelligence and ingenuity of people of all races and callings both past and present. Come see the world as I see it: as a peaceful place, full of nature and beauty. With the right spirit and intent, we can make our world a virtual Garden of Eden.
DISTINCTIONS: BBC 2017 Travel Pioneer • Journal Articles • Explorer’s Club Flag Expeditions
World Parks Project • Walk Across South America • Jeff Shea Travel Map
Tiger Heron at Jaguar Falls, 2014 Venezuela, Bolivar Province (State)
Egypt, Luxor Statue, 1984 - Luxor, Egypt constitutes one of the most fantastic temple complexes in the world not only because of the beauty of the craftsmanship but also because of the sheer size of the works or art, such as is exhibited in this statue. Deep religious meaning permeates the art of ancient Egypt.
Lithuania, Vilnius Prov, Window Conversation -
Cambodia, Preah Vihear Prov, Walking
IN, Maluku Province, Seram, Fishing Boat, 2007, IMG_0551 - A dugout canoe is painted with a colorful, imaginary fish, on the coast of Ambon.
Congo Zaire, Dead Monkeys for Consumption, 1984 - This is a grotesque but realistic photograph of dead monkeys on the Congo River steamboat. Villagers came up in their canoes and sold them to passengers who stored them in the hold of the vessel until we arrived in Kinshasa. A slit was cut in the monkey's tail, then wrapped around its neck, forming a sort of handle. They were then sold in groups.
Slovenia, Podcetrtek Prov, Pig Roast
Vietnam, Hung Yen Prov, Bottle Transport
Latvia, Aizkraukles Prov, Wall -
UK, Somerset Prov, Grass