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Hopeless Romantics
2006 - UK, Falkland Island Dependencies, South Georgia, King Penguins, 2006
1997 - Antarctica, Self Portrait On Way To Vinson, 1997
1997 - Antarctica, Mount Vinson, Climbing To Camp, 1997
2006 - South Georgia, Land And Cloudscape, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Islands, Saunders Island, Penguin Leaping On To Iceberg, 2006
2001 - Antarctica, South Pole And Globe, 2001
1997 - Antarctica, Sled Tipped Over With Ice Slope Ahead, 1997
2006 - Bouvet Island, Bouvet Island At Dusk, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Penguin Jumping Up On Iceberg, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Penguins Jumping Up On Iceberg, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Penguins On Iceberg With Mountain Behind, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Two Penguins Jumping Up On Iceberg, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Penguin Leaping On To Iceberg, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Green Seal Rookery, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Chinstrap Penguins Leaping Above Water, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Iceberg Through Iceberg Reflecting Waterdrops, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Chinstrap Penguin Leaping Out Of Water, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Is, Chinstrap Penguin In Ice Cavern, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 1 Attempt To Depart, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 3 Disaster Strikes, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 2 Wave Crashes, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 4 Running For Cover, 2006
2006 - South Sandwich Islands, Saunders Island, Two Penguins Jumping On Iceberg, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 5 Passengers Get Thrown, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 6 The Aftermath, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 7 Life Jackets Incapacitate Passengers, 2006
2006 - Bouvet, Zodiac 8 Help Comes Running, Then I Do, 2006
2001 - Antarctica, Jeff Shea at South Pole in Globe with Plane, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Jeff Shea at South Pole with Globe, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Patriot Hills in Foreground of Mountains, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Mountains Near Patriot Hills, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Patriot Hills, Unloading of Hercules, Jeff Shea in Foreground, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Ice Bubbles 2, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Ice Bubbles 1, 2001