China, Yunnan, Er Che Du Ma With Sunflower, 1994

China, Yunnan, Er Che Du Ma With Sunflower, 1994 - I visited Moshuo Lake on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. The tradition there was for the women to be the property owners. The man would call at the house at night, and as long as the woman answered, he had a home. Er Che Du Ma, the lovely girl in the photograph, was tending a small store. I asked her if I could photograph her. She enthusiastically ran home and changed into her traditional clothes. I shot about fifty 8x10 images of her. I felt I was in love with her for a long time after. I wrote to her. I think she wrote to me once. I was surprised to learn she was going to the city to study. Moshuo Lake was far removed from modern life in 1994. I eventually lost contact. I forget if I ever wrote to her that I loved her.
- Nation: China
- ISO Province: China, Yunnan
- TCC Country: China
- Place:
- Year: 1994
- File name: China,Yunnan,ErCheDuMaWithSunflower,1994.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3811
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