Congo Zaire, Dead Monkeys for Consumption, 1984
Congo Zaire, Dead Monkeys for Consumption, 1984 - This is a grotesque but realistic photograph of dead monkeys on the Congo River steamboat. Villagers came up in their canoes and sold them to passengers who stored them in the hold of the vessel until we arrived in Kinshasa. A slit was cut in the monkey's tail, then wrapped around its neck, forming a sort of handle. They were then sold in groups.
- Nation: Congo Zaire
- ISO Province: Congo Zaire, Bandundu
- TCC Country: Congo Zaire
- Place: Congo River
- Year: 1984
- File name: CongoZ,DeadMonkeys,1984.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3240
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