Latvia, Riga City Prov, Bottle Of Love, IMG_1958

Latvia, Riga City Prov, Bottle Of Love - This is not an ordinary bottle of juice. I was with an extraordinarily beautiful woman, Claudina. You will meet her later. She was in love with me, to my amazement. Ten years earlier, I saw her for a moment. She was with her boyfriend. I asked her girlfriend if I could get her number. I wrote to her and called her but never reached her. Ten years later, I got an email from her. We traveled together. In a cafe in Riga, she explained to me why she loved an ordinary guy like me. She said it was not what was on the exterior, but what was on the inside, like that bottle in the photo, she said. The juice was delicious. I finally understood. Sort of.
- Nation: Latvia
- ISO Province: Latvia, Riga City
- TCC Country: Latvia
- Place: Riga
- Year: 2010
- File name: Latvia,RigaCityProv,BottleOfLove,2010,IMG_1958.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 2675×4800
- Photo display size: