Liberia, House In Monrovia, 2003

Liberia, House In Monrovia, 2003 - At the airport in Liberia, a woman offered to give us a ride, but it turned out it was only part way. When we changed trucks, we were approached by a soldier with red eyes, a mean attitude and a gun. In order to get a tour of Monrovia, I arranged with a person holding himself out to be able to give me permission to take photographs. This scene was typical of the city, run down, but somehow picturesque.
- Nation: Liberia
- ISO Province: Liberia, Montserrado
- TCC Country: Liberia
- Place: Monrovia
- Year: 2003
- File name: Liberia,HouseInMonrovia,2003.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3240
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