South Sandwich Is, Chinstrap Penguins Leaping Above Water, 2006

South Sandwich Is, Chinstrap Penguins Leaping Above Water, 2006 - There was an iceberg a few hundred meters off shore. A group of chinstrap penguins frolicked in the water. Some stood on top of the iceberg. It had not occurred to me how they had gotten up there.
- Nation: South Sandwich Is
- ISO Province: Falkland Island Dependencies
- TCC Country: South Sandwich Is
- Place: South Sandwich Islands
- Year: 2006
- File name: SouthSandwichIs,ChinstrapPenguinsLeapingAboveWater,2006.jpg
- Categories: Animals, Antarctic, Islands, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3086
- Photo display size: