Syria, Palmyra Moonlight, 1984

Syria, Palmyra Moon, 1984 - In 1984, I traveled to Syria overland from Turkey during the 20th month of my 26-month adventure around the world. I went to Palmyra, or Tadmor, in the Syrian desert. This site had its heyday circa the 4th century A.D., when under the control of Rome. That evening, I walked among the ruins, visiting a local family in their tents. I took this photograph of Palmyra in the moonlight. That night when I slept, I had a fantastic dream about a man named Green Hanab. Later, a psychic friend of Judith's interpreted this dream: Green was my pure spiritual side, while Hanab was my earthly impure side. June 12, 1984 Palmyra (Todhmor), Syria Good morning, I’m Groggy! Practiced for an hour in the morning before I left. I hitched to Palmyra in the hot sun. Arrived about 3 p.m. Had good lunch. “The ruins are superb.” Wow! I certainly never saw the likes of this! I spent the afternoon sneaking into the Temple Bel, a huge walled square. I walked up through the complex at dusk, catching a wonderful sight and picture in the rising moon among four four columned arrays. I felt quite inspired by the ruins and sang as I walked up to the last temple. There’s a shepherd living in the ruins and his daughters pulled me in their courtyard reeking of animals to have tea. Two daughters were ripe and had smooth skin and gold teeth, and poured me three cups of tea while Mama, shaped like a cone (tip up) gorged herself, probably as usual. They had a TV in the open air and the moon hid behind a wall. They warmed me with their eyes. It felt like home, reminded me of Toniça. I went to my hotel to sleep, and had a sensational dream at dawn in which a real and very rich man revealed a glimpse of his mastery of organization.
- Nation: Syria
- ISO Province: Syria, Homs
- TCC Country: Syria
- Place: Palmyra
- Year: 1984
- File name: Syria,PalmyraMoon,1984.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3196
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