Tibet, Everest, North Ridge Route, Camp 3, Showing Second Step, Summit Pyramid, 8200m, 1995

Tibet, Everest, North Ridge Route, Camp 3, Showing Second Step, Summit Pyramid, 8200m, 1995 - This photograph is taken from 8200 meters (26,800 feet) high on Mount Everest at the site of Camp 3 on the North Ridge route, adjacent to the North Face. The summit pyramid of Everest is shown at the right hand side of the photograph, about 2000 feet above. About two-thirds of the way across the photograph from the left to right is a bump on the ridge. This is the famous "Second Step." I arrived at Camp 3 May 23, 1995 without the use of oxygen. There, Lhakpa Gelu, Tsering Dorje and I slept and departed at midnight for the summit, reaching it in 9 hours. One of the tents is visible at the far left of the photograph. The rope holding the tent down runs across the foreground of the photograph from right to left.
- Nation: China
- ISO Province: China, Xizang (Tibet)
- TCC Country: Tibet
- Place: Mount Everest
- Year: 8200
- File name: Tibet,Everest,Camp3,YellowBand,SummitPyramid,8200m,1995.jpg
- Categories: Favorites, Hotpix, Mountains, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3089
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