Somerset, UK 2009

United Kingdom, Somerset Province (County)
October 16, 2009
Bristol Airport area in North Somerset, via Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and North Somerset counties
Today was a sort of frustrating day. I was so up in the morning. We were laughing, etc. Then Lila got upset…
We took the small road along the coast. Do not ask me where the time went. I really do not know. We did not stop for lunch. Lila told me how a girlfriend and her boyfriend, both friends of hers, asked her to sleep with them. She said she said No and they asked why not. She said that if she wanted the experience, it would be her choice, not someone else’s. Then she asked me if I ever slept with two women. I laughed. She pressed me. When I did not answer, she became silent and angry. Her icy demeanor continued but I maintained my cheerful mood. I laughed and philosophized. But she finally got the better of me.
At 2:45pm, I was trying to get to Lynton but I got confused and I turned toward South Molton. When we got to Lynton, it was picturesque. The road from there to Porlock was beautiful. During that drive, I stopped many, many times. The coast was spectacular – animals, hedges, vistas of rolling green. During this ride, we crossed from Devon to Somerset. At the Somerset sign, she said she missed me and we made up.