Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia, 2011

Uluwatu Dancer, 2011 Indonesia, Bali Province
Indonesia is a magical place. Strong beliefs in the supernatural still exist, particularly in the outlying islands. If you are on the island of Bali, a good place to visit is Uluwatu on its southern coast. On top of vertical cliffs rising up from the Indian Ocean lies a 1000-year-old temple. Every evening, there is a dancing show and a reenactment of a legend. Uluwatu is worth a visit, far from the city, with an air of old Balinese mysticism.
May 5, 2011
Drove to Uluwatu, the cliff temple on the coast. The performance was unreal. A group of men made a racket with fast-sounding, mesmerizing chatter. Gods and monsters danced, along with beautiful goddesses.
May 10, 2011
Prior to the dancing I hopped over the wall and took photos from the bluff overlooking the spectacular cliffs and the sea.