Nepal, Judith Standing, 1984
Nepal, Judith Standing, 1984

Nepal, Judith Standing, 1984 - In Tengboche, Solu Khumbu, Nepal, I invited Judith to climb Island Peak with me. On the way back, we lost contact. On the way to Lukla, I saw her footprints on the path ahead of me. I met with her at a teashop. We spent the night there together. She insisted I take a bath. The woman running the teashop (essentially a stone house on the side of the trail) heated a tub of water, and I took my first bath in a week. Here, a week later, Judith stands outside the doorway to our room in Katmandu.

  • Nation: Nepal
  • ISO Province: Nepal, Bagmati
  • TCC Country: Nepal
  • Place: Katmandu
  • Year: 1984
  • File name: Nepal,JudithStanding,1984.jpg
  • Categories: Uncategorized
  • Photo upload size: 3221×4800
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