Nepal, Katmandu, Milk Baba, 1999

Nepal, Katmandu, Milk Baba, 1999 - Milk Baba was so named because he lives entirely on milk. No food passes his lips. He lives in a small room on the side of the stream at Pashiputinath, in the Katmandu greater city. He is one of the most memorable people I ever met. When he stood and let his hair down, it was longer than his body, falling to the floor and then some. He sat and began to play a hand organ. It was the most mellifluous melody I could imagine, combining beauty and mystery. He continued to play this for about ten minutes, and then, unexpectedly, he began to sing. The sound of his voice carried us away into another dimension. Being a good host, he asked us if we were wanted something to drink. Milk!!!
- Nation: Nepal
- ISO Province: Nepal, Bagmati
- TCC Country: Nepal
- Place: Pashiputinath
- Year: 1999
- File name: Nepal,Katmandu,MilkBaba,1999.jpg
- Categories: Favorites, Hotpix, New to Show, Temples, Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 4800×3205
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