Greenland, Warming Island, off coast of Liverpool Land, Looking South To Southwest Finger, 2006

Greenland, Warming Island, off coast of Liverpool Land, Looking South To Southwest Finger, 2006 - This is an aerial photograph from the helicopter on the way to Warming Island. This shot looks south. The southwest finger of Warming Island is just right of center in the foreground. Following the strait to the right leads to the broken glacier, hidden here by afternoon fog.
- Nation: Denmark
- ISO Province: Greenland, Greenland
- TCC Country: Greenland
- Place: Warming Island
- Year: 2006
- File name: Greenland,SWFingerLookS_StraitToRight,2006_9977.jpg
- Categories: Arctic, Islands, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3200
- Photo display size: