Central African Republic, Pygmy With Sharpened Teeth, 2000

Central African Republic, Pygmy With Sharpened Teeth, 2000 - This photo shows three Pygmy women in Bayanga, CAR. They have just successfully hunted down a dik-dik with nets. The woman on the right is smiling, revealing her sharpened teeth. All were sharp to a point. This custom enhances a woman's beauty, according to their beliefs.
- Nation: Central African Republic
- ISO Province: Central African Rp, Sangha-Mbaere
- TCC Country: Central African Republic
- Place: Bayanga
- Year: 2000
- File name: CAR,PygmyWithSharpenedTeeth,2000.jpg
- Categories: Favorites, Hotpix, New to Show, Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 4800×3324
- Photo display size: