Central African Republic, Portrait Of Pygmy Girl, 2000

Central African Republic, Portrait Of Pygmy Girl, 2000 - One day during our stay in Bayanga, I went to the nearby pygmy villages and asked the young women to dress up in their traditional attire so that I could photograph them with my 8x10 inch camera. We put out the word and said we would come back. When we picked them up, we managed to get eight girls into the Land Rover with two of us and the driver, eleven people in all. I took this photograph with a 35mm. This girl had a strikingly beautiful face.
- Nation: Central African Republic
- ISO Province: Central African Rp, Sangha-Mbaere
- TCC Country: Central African Republic
- Place: Bayanga
- Year: 2000
- File name: CAR,PortraitOfPygmyGirl,2000.jpg
- Categories: New to Show, Questionable, Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 523×594
- Photo display size: