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Hopeless Romantics
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1988 - Morocco, Five Berber Girls, 1988
2000 - Namibia, Himba Mother and Child Standing, 2000
2003 - Madagascar, Rickshas, 2003
2003 - Madagascar, Ilakaka, Sapphire Boomtown, 2003
2003 - Madagascar, Woodcutters, 2003
2002 - Mauritius, Rock on Peak, 2002
1988 - Morocco, Berber Wedding, 1988
2003 - Madagascar, Majestic Mountain, 2003
2003 - Madagascar, Mouse Lemur, 2003
2003 - Madagascar, Cloud Capped Peak, 2003
2003 - Madagascar, Lemur Close Up, 2003
2003 - Madagascar, Lemur Mother and Young, 2003
1984 - Kenya, Train to Tororo, 1984
2009 - Azerbaijan, Mingacevir Prov, My Lunch, 2009, IMG 8552
2002 - Kuwait, Camels in Truck, 2002
2003 - Madagascar, Civet, 2003
1984 - Iran, Qom, Golden Mosque, 1984
1984 - Iran, Esfahan Women at Mosque, 1984
2002 - Iraq, Marsh House, 2002
1990 - Italy, Leaning Tower of Pisa moon, 1990
1983 - Java, Borobudur, 1983
1983 - Java, Merapi Shadow, 1983
1984 - Iran, Four Guys on Motorbike, 1984
1984 - Iran, Occupied American Embassy Anti West Slogans, 1984
1984 - Iran, Posters of Martyrs, 1984
1984 - Iran, The Ayatollah and the Shah’s Head, 1984
1984 - Iran, Esfahan, Mosque Tiles, 1984
1984 - India, Varanasi, Corpse Ricksha, 1984
1984 - India, Varanasi, Cremation, 1984
1984 - India, Varanasi, Large Camel, 1984
1984 - India, White Tiger, 1984
1984 - India, Rajasthani Farmer With Pipe, 1984
1984 - India, Rajasthan, Painted Elephant, 1984
1984 - India, Rajasthan, Throng of Kids, 1984
1984 - India, Varanasi, Burning Ghats, 1984
1984 - India, Darjeeling, Kanchenjunga Massif, 1984
1984 - India, Rajasthan, Anklet, 1984
1984 - India, Rajasthan, Boy With Bells, 1984
1984 - India, Rajasthan, Cows Working Water Well, 1984
1990 - Germany, Neuschwanstein view 2, 1990
1984 - India, Calcutta, Food Line, 1984
2000 - Faroe Islands, Waterfall on Cliff near Vestmanna, 2000
2000 - Faroe Islands, Village, 2000
1990 - France, Paris Eiffel Tower moon, 1990
1984 - Egypt, Lights on the Pyramid of Chefren, 1984
1984 - Egypt, Luxor Obelisk, 1984
1984 - Egypt, Sphinx and Pyramid, 1984
1984 - Egypt, Luxor Statue, 1984
2002 - Djibouti, Lake Asal, 2002
1997 - Easter Island, Buried Moai at Rano Raraku, 1997
1997 - Easter Island, Reed Ship and Moai at Anakena Beach, 1997
1984 - Egypt, Hieroglyphics, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Pygmy Dance, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, River Boat with Barges, 1984
Congo Zaire, Riverboat sunset
1984 - Congo Zaire, Roasted Monkey, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Sweeping Maggots off a Monkey (to Eat), 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Jeff Shea with Leopard Tooth Necklace, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, The Longest Spiky Hair, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Mobutu, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Mt. Hoyo Waterfall, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Muddy Road, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Colonel Ebeya Steamboat, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Dead Monkeys for Consumption, 1984
1984 - Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bandundu Province, Fight on Riverboat, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Hair, 1984
1992 - China, Harbin Ice Festival Night, 1992
1992 - China, Inner Mongolia, Pasta, 1992
1984 - Congo Zaire, Canoes at Sunset, 1984
1984 - Congo Zaire, Children Being Goofy, 1984
2001 - Bellingshausen, King George Island, Jeff Shea in Station Interior, 2001
2002 - BIOT, Sunken Yacht, 2002
1993 - China, Beijing Prov, Beijing, Giant Tea Kettle, 1993
1984 - Bangladesh, Placing Net, 1984
1983 - Bangladesh, Ricksha, 1983
2001 - Antarctica, Jeff Shea at South Pole in Globe with Plane, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Jeff Shea at South Pole with Globe, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Mountains Near Patriot Hills, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Patriot Hills, Unloading of Hercules, Jeff Shea in Foreground, 2001
2001 - Antarctica, Patriot Hills in Foreground of Mountains, 2001
1983 - Bangladesh, Dacca Dock Workers, 1983
2007 - Atlantic Ocean, Sea Ice, 2007, IMG_2970r1
2008 - China, Anhui Province, Blind Man Plays, 2008, IMG_9516
2008 - China, Anhui Province, Charm Sales, 2008, IMG_9520
2001 - Antarctica, Ice Bubbles 2, 2001
2007 - Atlantic Ocean, Sea Ice, 2007, IMG_2968
1988 - Algeria, Tamanghasset Prov, Rock Figure, In-Beroutane (The Elephant), 1988
2001 - Antarctica, Ice Bubbles 1, 2001
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