Iran, Occupied American Embassy Anti West Slogans, 1984
Iran, Occupied American Embassy Anti West Slogans, 1984

Iran, Occupied American Embassy Anti West Slogans, 1984 - In 1984, the American Embassy in Tehran was occupied by The Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Guards. The walls were painted with the following slogans: "America is Worse than Britain, Britain is Worse than America. Russia is Worse than Both of Them. And Each One Is Worse and Uglier than the Other." After I took this photograph, one of the Islamic Guards ran out of the Embassy toting a hand gun. He waved me inside. Frightened, I raised my voice, yelling in English. A crowd gathered around. One man offered to translate. I lied, saying I had not taken any photographs. The man said the guard now would accept simply giving him the camera. I refused again. Somewhat miraculously, I was finally able to convince the guard that I had not taken any photographs, and I was allowed to leave with my camera and film intact.

  • Nation: Iran
  • ISO Province: Iran, Tehran
  • TCC Country: Iran
  • Place: Tehran
  • Year: 1984
  • File name: Iran,OccupiedAmericanEmbassy,1984.jpg
  • Categories:
  • Photo upload size: 4800×3196
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