Greenland, North Greenland ,Team On Way To Stray Dog West, 2007

Greenland, North Greenland ,Team On Way To Stray Dog West, 2007 - The date is July 12, 2007. Dennis Schmitt's team ventures out onto the sea ice just off the northernmost coast in the world, Cape Morris Jessup, in far northern Greenland. I stay back. I am the team photographer. That day we set foot on the "new northernmost point of land in the world", which we dub "Stray Dog West." This photograph appeared in Esquire in October 2007 (IMG_4196r2)
- Nation: Denmark
- ISO Province: Greenland, Greenland
- TCC Country: Greenland
- Place: Stray Dog West
- Year: 2007
- File name: Greenland,North,TeamOnWayToStrayDogWest,2007,IMG_4196r2.jpg
- Categories: Arctic, Favorites, Hotpix, Islands, New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×3170
- Photo display size: