Solomon Islands, Our Departure From Ngarringnasuru, 1982

Solomon Islands, Our Departure From Ngarringnasuru, 1982 - Fred Billy Akwafaasie took us up the coast in a motorized canoe. We needed to get to the road in the northeast of Malaita. From there we took a truck across the island and a local boat to Honiara. Villagers came to see us off. There were no roads to Sinalagu Bay in 1982.
- Nation: Solomon Islands
- ISO Province: Solomon Islands, Malaita
- TCC Country: Solomon Islands
- Place:
- Year: 1982
- File name: SolomonIslands,OurDepartureFromNgarringnasuru,1982.jpg
- Categories: New to Show, Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 4800×2672
- Photo display size: