Solomon Islands, Umbuni’s Family, 1982

Solomon Islands, Umbuni and Family, 1982 - Here, Umbuni stands with his wife and child. Kwaio women who were married wore a blue cloth over their genitals, whereas unmarried young women went naked. We learned a lot about the traditions of the Kwaio from David and Katie, Peace Corp workers who lived in the Kwaio. David and Katie seemed to half-believe in the ancestors themselves. Maybe they too could feel the presence of the ancestors at night. I almost felt I could. When in areas of the world where beliefs run strong, it is hard not to feel these local energies, no matter how unexplained they might be. The Kwaio had unusual beliefs, and there were many taboos, or tambus. Woman went to the "flower house" during their menstruation. It was tambu for a man to go there. Women were not allowed to step over anything that a man might come in contact with. Interestingly, they believed in "retroactive contamination." As an example of this principle, if a man touched an implement before a woman who was menstruating touched it, then she touched it later, he would become retroactively contaminated.
- Nation: Solomon Islands
- ISO Province: Solomon Islands, Malaita
- TCC Country: Solomon Islands
- Place: Malaita
- Year: 1982
- File name: SolomonIslands,UmbuniFamily2,1982.jpg
- Categories: New to Show, Tribal People
- Photo upload size: 3315×4800
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