
Romania, Generations, 1997 - A few months before I took this photograph I had driven through Romania. I fell in love with Transylvania, with it rolling fields. It seems so suitable for walking, and I yearned to get out of the car. Shortly after I planned a walk. I purchased a used Rolleiflex in Munich. Carrying all my gear in a minimal pack, and toting the camera and a small tripod, I set off on foot from Cluj Napoca and walked by compass point to Brasov. On the way, I stopped to take this photograph of children and their grandmothers, generations apart. Walking in Transylvania was spectacular. I walked through fields, forests, across streams, always following my compass. The people were friendly. (6 cm format)

  • Nation: Romania
  • ISO Province:
  • TCC Country: Romania
  • Place:
  • Year:
  • File name: Romania,Generations,1996.jpg
  • Categories: , ,
  • Photo upload size: 4488×4800
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