Greenland, Warming Island, off coast of Liverpool Land, Warming Island Looking North-northwest, 2006
Greenland, Warming Island, off coast of Liverpool Land, Warming Island Looking North-northwest, 2006

Greenland, Warming Island, off coast of Liverpool Land, Warming Island Looking North-northwest, 2006 - This aerial photograph shows Warming Island from the southern side looking north-northwest. The mainland of Greenland's Liverpool land is visible on the left, as well as the new strait, a narrow 150 meter passage between the glacier and the mountains in the foreground.

  • Nation: Denmark
  • ISO Province:
  • TCC Country: Greenland
  • Place:
  • Year: 2006
  • File name: Greenland,WarmingIsLookingNNW,2006_9949.jpg
  • Categories: ,
  • Photo upload size: 4800×3153
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