Kazakhstan, Jeff Shea On Tibet 98 Expedition, 1998

Kazakhstan, Jeff Shea On Tibet 98 Expedition, 1998 - Here, I 'horse around' during a break on our travels across Russia and Kazakhstan. We were on our way to China and Tibet. In 1998, our expedition was self-financed; we bought two Russian Lada 4-wheel drives. We drove all the way to Rongbuk base camp at the foot of Mount Everest, at a height of approximately 17,000 feet. Lada was so pleased, they made three special 4-wheel drives for our expedition the following year. In 1999, we drove to a height of 18,781 feet on a mountain in Tibet.
- Nation: Kazakhstan
- ISO Province:
- TCC Country: China
- Place:
- Year: 1998
- File name: Kazakhstan,JeffSheaOnTibet98Expedition,1998.jpg
- Categories: New to Show
- Photo upload size: 4800×2036
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