First and foremost, I consider myself an adventurer. This section will detail my travels through the world.
The highlights of my adventures include climbing the North Ridge of Mount Everest from Tibet, a month-long journey on foot from the Highlands of New Guinea to the Sepik River basin in the north of the country, then floating down rivers on a raft made of logs tied together with jungle vine for another ten days, a personal pilgrimage to the Taj Mahal on foot from Jaipur, India, walking across Transylvania, taking a Russian 4-wheel-drive to the highest point ever driven, and many more. But adventure is not only about traveling.
For me, adventure is a state of mind; it means reveling in the places you go. This included, for me, falling in love with the fairer sex! Experiencing life to its fullest and pursuing your dreams is not about always being safe.
The spirit of adventure is going forward headlong, giving yourself up to the experience. If you really live, you change, becoming transformed into a new entity, hopefully more powerful and enriched than before..